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首頁(yè) > 新聞中心 > NTN軸承安裝運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)后的檢查事項(xiàng)分析
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-09-19        瀏覽次數(shù):476        返回列表
  After the NTN bearing is installed, check the operation to check whether the installation is correct. Small machinery can be rotated by hand to confirm whether it is rotating smoothly. Inspection items are due to foreign bodies, scars, indentation caused by poor operation, due to poor installation, installation of poor processing and instability caused by torque, due to small clearance, installation error, sealing friction caused by the torque is too large and so on. If there is no abnormality, it can start the power operation.
  Large machinery can not be manually rotated, so no-load start immediately after cutting off power, mechanical idling, check whether there is vibration, noise, rotating parts are contacted, etc., to confirm that there is no abnormality, into power operation.
  The operation of power starts slowly from no load and slowly increases to the rated operation of the prescribed conditions. The checking items during commissioning are: whether there is abnormal sound, NTN bearing temperature change, lubricant leakage or discoloration, etc. If abnormal is found, the operation should be stopped immediately, the machinery should be inspected, and the NTN bearing inspection should be removed if necessary.
  NTN bearing temperature can generally be deduced according to the external temperature of NTN bearing block. However, it is more accurate to directly measure the outer ring temperature of NTN bearings by using oil holes. NTN bearing temperature gradually increases from operation, usually 1——2 hours after the temperature is stable. If the NTN bearing is not installed properly, the temperature will rise sharply, and there will be an abnormal high temperature. The reasons include too much lubricant, too small clearance of NTN bearing, poor installation, excessive friction of sealing device, etc. High speed rotation, NTN bearing structure, lubrication mode selection error is also the reason.
  NTN bearing rotating sound with stethoscope and other examinations, there are strong metal noise, abnormal sound, irregular sound and so on, indicating abnormal. The reasons are poor lubrication, poor accuracy of shaft or NTN bearing block, NTN bearing damage and foreign matter intrusion.
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