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首頁 > 新聞中心 > 怎么樣保養(yǎng)和檢修IKO軸承
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-09        瀏覽次數(shù):410        返回列表
  1. In order to maintain the original performance of IKO bearings in good condition for as long as possible, IKO bearings must be maintained, maintained and repaired in order to prevent accidents, ensure the reliability of operation, improve productivity and economy. Maintain the best operating standards for the corresponding mechanical operation conditions and carry out them regularly. The contents include monitoring the running state, replenishment or replacement of lubricants, and regular dismantling inspection.
  As a maintenance in operation, there are IKO bearing rotating sound, vibration, temperature, lubricant status and so on.
  2, IKO bearing damage and countermeasures are general, if the correct use of IKO bearings, can be used until the fatigue life. But there will be accidents too early to damage, and can not be used. This early damage, relative to fatigue life, limits the use of the quality known as failure or accident. Because of the neglect of installation, use and lubrication, the foreign bodies intruded from the outside, and the insufficient research on the heat effect of the shaft and shell, etc.
  On the damage status of IKO bearings, such as: roller IKO bearings ring edge jam, as a reason can be considered, insufficient lubricant, unsuitable, oil supply and drainage structure defects, foreign body invasion, IKO bearing installation error, shaft deflection is too large, there will also be overlap of these reasons.
  Therefore, it is difficult to know the real cause of damage only by investigating IKO bearing damage. However, if we know the use of IKO bearing machinery, use conditions, the structure around the IKO bearing, understand the situation before and after the accident, combined with IKO bearing damage status and several reasons for investigation, we can prevent similar accidents.
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